Specialist Schools: 21st Century Learning Spaces

In June 2010, invited by the Specialist Schools & Academies Trust for the yearly conference of the Primary Specialism Pilot, Lene – on behalf of Grontmij Carl Bro – presented a Danish perspective on schools and learning spaces for 21st century teaching & learning: What do we need from schools in the 21st Century – and how can learning space strategies support the transformation of teaching & learning? The physical environment is a strong ‘technology’ in supporting pedagogical praxis – and it need to be consistent with our assumptions about learning. Lene shared her experience and views on transforming schools for the 21st Century – based on how the city of Gentofte, Denmark, ’rebooted’ school thinking through remodelling of eleven schools and the building of one new school, the ground-breaking school of Hellerup. Learning space design is viewed as a strong ‘technology’ for supporting new pedagogical praxis and the presentation pointed to a lot of illustrative examples.

Feedback from SSAT: “What you had to say was not only engaging but also insightful and thought provoking and had clear resonance with the audience.”

Read more examples of the work of Autens on school rebuildinglearning spaces and transforming schools – or see examples of  inspirational talks and workshops facilitated by Autens.

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