Peter and Lise Lotte were both in November 2019 on a study trip to the High Tech High schools in San Diego. The trip offered a visit to both primary, middle and high schools. The schools work 100% project based and are a great source of inspiration for Autens and for our project based learning project with Høje Taastrup Municipality. High Tech High consists of 16 schools spread across 4 campuses with all 3 age groups.

This project is really exciting because there is work across the subjects nature/ technology and visual arts.

The students have experimented with colours, the reflection and refraction of light and have used their knowledge to produce the images.
You can sense the effect when you see the images with 3D glasses on.

Here is an example of a newsletter sent out to the parents prior to the project.

Read more about Hich Tech High and Global Schools Alliance here