Sundby Wins World Architecture Festival Award 2022

We are incredibly proud that Sundby School won the prestigious World Architecture Festival’s Education Award 2022 for Education. 

This extraordinary school grows out of the beautiful landscape as a poetic semi-circular arch of nature, inviting you to go to the top and enjoy the gorgeous views while creating a meeting space in the center.

The school offers innovative 21st century learning facilities in year group hubs, linking indoor and outdoor learning. 

In line with Danish tradition, the school is an open community hub for education, play, friendships, sports and culture, also featuring a library and theatre/sports hall.

It is the first eco-labelled permanent school in Denmark (Svanemærket) with its thatched facade, celebration of nature and integrated sustainable solutions.

To explore the project further, take a look at this post from our colleagues at Skala Architecture.

Project Team: Henning Larsen, Skala ArchitectureMOE DenmarkAutens, ETN Rikke Cora Larsen, BoHus and Guldborgsund Kommune.


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